Joralemon Family

“A Forest Scene-Gill Creek” (October 25th, 1899) Painted by Edgar E. Joralemon of Niagara Falls, New York Watercolor painting (about 22″x25″) Given to the Deveaux School of Niagara Falls, New York ca. Sept. 28, 1934 by Edgar E. Joralemon Courtesy of Chris Talley Youngstown, New York September 2010

“E E Joralemon Oct 25 99” signature “A Forest Scene-Gill Creek” (October 25th, 1899) Painted by Edgar E. Joralemon of Niagara Falls, New York Watercolor painting (about 22″x25″) Given to the Deveaux School of Niagara Falls, New York ca. Sept. 28, 1934 by Edgar E. Joralemon Courtesy of Chris Talley Youngstown, New York September 2010

Entire back of framing NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Saturday December 9, 1899 “A Forest Scene-Gill Creek” (October 25th, 1899) Painted by Edgar E. Joralemon of Niagara Falls, New York Watercolor painting (about 22″x25″) Given to the Deveaux School of Niagara Falls, New York ca. Sept. 28, 1934 by Edgar E. Joralemon Courtesy of Chris Talley Youngstown, New York September 2010

NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Niagara Falls, New York Saturday December 9, 1899 “A Forest Scene-Gill Creek” (October 25th, 1899) Painted by Edgar E. Joralemon of Niagara Falls, New York Watercolor painting (about 22″x25″) Given to the Deveaux School of Niagara Falls, New York ca. Sept. 28, 1934 by Edgar E. Joralemon Courtesy of Chris Talley Youngstown, New York September 2010

Pages: JON 284 – 285 JOS Joralemon Edgar E, 3023 Dupont av S A D 8E 8G 5N O Joralman Eliz Dec 12, 1892, R Commercial Report of UNION CREDIT REPORTING CO Of Minneapolis 1894 (Mpls Library History Collection)

SCHOOL FRIEND DEEDS TO DEVEAUX VALUABLE PROPERTY IN BUFFALO Mr. Joralemon Also Presents Handsome Paintings from His Own Brush Given to the Deveaux School of Niagara Falls, New York ca. Sept. 28, 1934 by Edgar E. Joralemon “A Forest Scene-Gill Creek” (October 25th, 1899) Painted by Edgar E. Joralemon of Niagara Falls, New York Watercolor painting (about 22″x25″)