BE Franklin house, 1891 3129 Portland Ave South Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Architect: Orff Bros. on BP# 25909 7/31/91 ? designer EE Joralemon? Cost: $3,000 STANDING 2005 Photo: Orff & Joralemon office brochure (Mpls History Collection)
BE Franklin house, 1891 3129 Portland Ave South Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Architect: Orff Bros. on BP# 25909 7/31/91 ? designer EE Joralemon? Cost: $3,000 STANDING 2005 Photo: Orff & Joralemon office brochure (Mpls History Collection) Snapshot: Feb 21, 1991 by CDT
Chester Simmons House, 1891 (M A Pratt on BP) 2741 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Architect: Orff Bros. on BP# 26130 8/27/91 ? designer EE Joralemon? Cost: $34,000 TORN DOWN 1959 B & W photo: (Hennepin Co His Society)
Chester Simmons House, 1891 (M A Pratt on BP) 2741 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Architect: Orff Bros. on BP# 26130 8/27/91 ? designer EE Joralemon? Cost: $34,000 TORN DOWN 1959 Hand-colored photo: from Paul Clifford Larson (CDT Collection) ca. 1984
Chester Simmons House, 1891 (M A Pratt on BP) 2741 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Architect: Orff Bros. on BP# 26130 8/27/91 ? designer EE Joralemon? Cost: $34,000 TORN DOWN 1959 Photo: Confer Bros. Realty (Hennepin Co His Society)
Chester Simmons House, 1891 (M A Pratt on BP) 2741 Park Avenue South Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Architect: Orff Bros. on BP# 26130 8/27/91 ? designer EE Joralemon? Cost: $34,000 TORN DOWN 1959 Snapshot: FORMER SITE Sept 4, 1987 by CDT.
NF Warner House, ca. 1891 Architect: LS Buffington Rendering: signed by EE Joralemon, del (lower left) American Architect & Building News Feb 14, 1891 (CDT Collection)
Soldier’s Home, 1891 Lisbon, NORTH DAKOTA Architect: GW & FD Orff EE Joralemon del Pen & Ink Drawing: EE Joralemon del Northwestern Architect Vol 9 No 10 Oct 1891