Boston Block Minneapolis, MINNESOTA Built: 1881 and Remodeled: 1887 after fire 304 Hennepin Ave NW cor 3rd Street & Hennepin AVE Minneapolis, MN Architect: Leroy S Buffington TORN DOWN 1942 EEJ there: 1882-83 (24 years old) MCD: Joralemon EE, draughtsman, LS Buffington * * BUFFINGTON LEROY S architect and supt. Room 21 Boston block Photo: Of big 1887 fire (Mpls Library History Collection)
Johnston or Centre Block Minneapolis, MINNESOTA EEJ there: 1876 (FIRST JOB) (18 years old) MCD: Joralemon Edgar, draughtsman, LS Buffington * * Buffington Leroy S architect, 22 Johnston _ s Block Photo: ca. 1870s (Mpls Library History Collection)
Leroy S Buffington LSB first appears in Mpls City Directory: 1875 LSB gives EEJ his first job as a draughtsman in 1876. EEJ is 17 years old. EEJ draughtsman: 1882-83 EEJ draughtsman: 1883-84 EEJ draughtsman: 1890-91 Painting by: W Cogswell, 1889 (MN Historical Society)