
1900 WAVERLEY Electric Model “18” MFD By American Bicycle Co (Waverley Factory) Indianapolis, IND AUTO ALBUM By Tad Burness Minneapolis Star Tribune June 6, 1993 4.25″x10.75″ page 1M
1904 1 POPE-Waverley Electric Simple to Operate POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND FRANK LESLIE’S POPULAR MONTHY January 1904 6.5″x9.5″
1904 11 19 POPE-Waverley Electric POPE Waverley ELECTRIC COUPE POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Indianapolis, IND COLLIER’S November 19, 1904 10″x15″ page 31
1904 12 31 POPE-Waverley Electric POPE Waverley ELECTRICS POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, Indiana Scientific American December 31, 1904 10″x15″ page 486
1904 2 13 POPE-Waverley Electric POPE Waverley ELECTRICS Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND Scientific American February 13, 1904 5.5″x8″
1904 2 POPE Waverley Electric THE AUTOMOBILE MAGAZINE ADVERTISER 6.5″×10″ Front cover
1904 2 POPE Waverley Electric THE AUTOMOBILE MAGAZINE ADVERTISER 6.5″×10″ Inside front cover
1904 5 18 FOR SALE: COLUMBIA Electric Surrey Mark XIX FOR SALE: WAVERLEY Electric Runabout $350 Cost $1,299 Sell For $350 ($8,807 in 2012) THE HORSELESS AGE May 18, 1904 9″x12″ page 28
1904 5 POPE Waverley ELECTRICS 6.5″×14″ page 351
1904 7 7 POPE Waverley Electric THE MODERN STABLE LIFE 8.5″×10.75″
1904 9 POPE Waverley Going to Business EVERYBODYS MAGAZINE 7×10 page 65
1904 POPE WAVERLEY Electric Model No. 27 Stanhope, Price $1,400 Pope Motor Car Co Waverley Dept Indianapolis, IND THE COSMOPOLITAN 6.25″x9.25″
1904 POPE-Waverley Electric Model No. 21 Runabout $850 POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, Indiana Cycle and AUTOMOBILE TRADE JOURNAL 1904 6.25″x9.75″ page 52
1904 POPE-Waverley Electric The Pope-Waverley Physician’s Wagon POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, Indiana EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE 1904 6.25″x9.25″ page 124
1905 1 11 POPE-Waverley ELECTRICS Stanhope Model 27 $1,400 ad THE HORSELESS AGE 8.5″×11″ page 14
1905 10 23 POPE-Waverley Electric Coupe-Top Chelsea Price $1,450 POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE October 23, 1905 8.5″x12″ page V
1905 10 POPE Waverly Electrics Pope Motor Company Indianapolis, Indiana AUTOMOBILES Oct 1905 6″x9.75″ page 81
1905 10 POPE-Waverley Electric Coupe Top Chelsea $1,450 POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA October 1905 9.5″x13.75″ page 598
1905 2 POPE Electric POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA February 1905 9.75″x13.75″ page 388
1905 3 18 POPE-Waverley Electric This Is The Electric Age POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Indianapolis, IND COLLIER’S March 18, 1905 3.25″x8.75″
1905 4 5 POPE-Waverley Electric $850 to $2,250 Pope Motor Car Co. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE April 5, 1905 8.25″x11.5″ page XII
1905 4 POPE Waverley Electric This Is The Electric Age COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA 9.5″×13.75″ page 596
1905 5 POPE Waverley Electric THIS IS THE ELECTRIC AGE Stanhope $1400 = $35,226 in 2012 Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND THE WORLD’S WORK ADVERTISER May 1905 6.75″x10″
1905 6 15 POPE WAVERLEY ELECTRIC From the Groom to the Bride Model 36 $900 = $22,645 in 2012 Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND LIFE June 15, 1905 8.5″x10.5″
1905 6 21 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE June 21, 1905 8.5″x12″ page 8
1905 6 28 POPE WAVERLEY Electric Pope-Waverley Electric Truck Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE June 28, 1905 University of Minnesota Library 8.75″x11.5″ page 707
1905 7 15 POPE-Waverley Electric A Princely Gift for Your Wife Pope Motor Car Co. Indianapolis, IND July 15, 1905 9.75″x14.5″ page 23
1905 8 12 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 36 $900 POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Indianapolis, IND THE SATURDAY EVENING POST August 12, 1905 5.75″x12.25″ page 17
1905 8 2 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric Physician’s Road Wagon Model 29 Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE August 2, 1905 8.25″x12″ page 11
1905 8 30 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric Trucks Modern Delivery Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE August 30, 1905 8.5″x12″ page 4
1905 8 9 POPE THE HORSELESS AGE page 203
1905 POPE Waverley ELECTRICS Summer or Winter Model 26, Chelsea, Price $1,100 ($1,100 = $27,108 in 2011) The Cosmopolitan 6″x9.25″
1905 POPE-Waverley Electric ALWAYS READY POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND LIFE 1905 8.5″x10.5″
1905 POPE-Waverley Electric Automobile Delivery Costs Less POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND The Review of Reviews – Advertising Section 1905 6.25″x9.75″ page 69
1905 POPE-Waverley Electric POPE WAVERLEY ELECTRICS Model 25C Price $1450 POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND LIFE 1905 8.5″x10.5″
1905 POPE-Waverley Electric THE IDEAL BUSINESS CAR POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND 1905 10.5″x14″
1906 1 Pope Waverley Electrics MOTOR 9.75″×14″ page 121
1906 1 POPE Waverley I AM RESOLVED EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE 6.25″×9.75″ page 51
1906 1 POPE-Waverley Electric I AM RESOLVED Pope Motor Car Co. Indianapolis, IND EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE January 1906 6.5″x9.75″ page 51
1906 10 11 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 30 Station Wagon $2250 POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND MOTOR AGE October 11, 1905 8.25″x11.75″ page 70
1906 10 POPE-Waverley Electric Coupe Top Chelsea Pope Motor Car Company, Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA October 1906 10″x14.25″ page 673
1906 11 7 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric Pope Motor Car Co Indianapolis, Indiana THE HORSELESS AGE Nov 7, 1906 8.25″x11.25″ page 32
1906 3 WAVERLEY Electric THE CONNECTING LINK Between Home and Office Pope Motor Car Company Deck T Indianapolis, IND THE WORLD’S WORK AUTOMOBILES March 1906 7″x10.25″
1906 4 POPE Waverley Electric The Stately, Stylish Electric Stanhope EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE 6″×9.25″ page 99
1906 4 POPE-Waverley Electric The Stately, Stylish Electric Stanhope POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND EVERYBODY’S MAGAZINE April 1906 6.25″x9.5″ page 99
1906 5 POPE Waverley Electric THE OUTING MAGAZINE ADVERTISER 6″X9.5″
1906 6 21 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric THE AUTOMOBILE 9″×12″ page 87
1906 7 POPE-Waverley Electric THE COMPLETE SUCCESS POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND Commercial Motor Car Department July 1906 6.25″x9.25″ page 175
1906 7 POPE-Waverley Electric The Stately, Stylish Stanhope Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA July 1906 9.5″x14″ page 343
1906 9 12 POPE-Waverley Electric All-Year-Round Service POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE September 12, 1905 8.25″x11.5″ page XXV
1906 ca. POPE Waverley Electric A Royal Christmas Gift TOWN TOPICS 4.75″×8.5″ page 91
1906 ca. POPE Waverley Electric Summer or Winter THE COSMOPOLITAN
1906 POPE Pope Motor Car Co Waverley Dept Indianapolis, IND Model 43, Closed Delivery 3.5″x8.5″ page 418
1907 1 17 POPE Waverley Electric Model 67 LIFE 8.75″×11″ page 112
1907 1 2 POPE-Waverley Electric Pope Waverley Electrics Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE January 2, 1907 8.25″x12″ page XV
1907 3 13 POPE-Waverley Electric Pope-Waverley Stanhope Price, $1,500 Pope Motor Car Company, Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE March 13, 1907 8.5″x12″ page 12
1907 4 3 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 69 With Top, $1,325 POPE-WAVERLEY ELECTRICS POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE April 3, 1907 8.25″x12″ page 12
1907 5 29 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 67, Price $1,700 POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE May 29, 1907 8.5″x12″ page 9
1907 ca. POPE Electric Model 67 Victoria Phaeton Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND MOTOR AGE ca. 1907 8.5″x12″ page 257
1907 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 60-A Surrey, $1,700 POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND MUNSEY’S MAGAZINE – ADVERITSING SECTION 1907 6.5″x9.75″
1907 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric MODEL 67 Automobiles of the World By Albert L. Lewis and Walter A. Musciano DRAWINGS BY: Bjorn Karlstrom, Gary W. Musciano, Douglas Rolfe, Robert Godden Simon and Schuster New York 1977 ISBN: 0-671-22485-9 5.5″x8.5″ page 158
1907 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 67, Victoria Phaeton Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE OUTING MAGAZINE ADVERTISER 1907 6.25″x9.5″
1907 POPE-WAVERLEY electric two-seater (1) Indiana Bicycle Co Indianapolis, IND 1898-1899 (2) American Bicycle Co Indianapolis, IND 1900-1901 (3) International Motor Car Co Indianapolis, IND 1901-1903 (4) WAVERLEY Dept Pope Motor Car Co Indianapolis, IND 1903-1907 (5) WAVERLEY Co Indianapolis, IND 1908-1914 THE NEW ENCYLOPEDIA OF MOTORCARS 1885 to the Present Edited by G. N. Georgano E. P. Dutton New York 1982 ISBN: 0-525-93254-2 8.25″x11″ page 658
1908 8 20 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric NEW MODEL OF THE POPE-WAVERLEY Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE AUTOMOBILE August 20, 1908 8.5″x11.75″ page 268
1909 8 18 POPE Electric Article Col. Albert A. Pope THE HORSELESS AGE August 18, 1909 University of Minnesota Library 8.25″x11.5″ page 190
1909 8 18 POPE Electric THE HORSELESS AGE page 190
1912 8 7 WAVERLEY Electric THE HORSELESS AGE AACA Library page 214
POPE-WAVERLEY Electric Indianapolis, Indiana 1904-1908 Standard Catalog of AMERICAN CARS 1805-1942 By Beverly Rae Kimes & Henry Austin Clark, Jr. Krause Publications ISBN: 0-87341-428-4 8.5″x11″ pages 1236 & 1237