
1900 WAVERLEY Electric Model “18” MFD By American Bicycle Co (Waverley Factory) Indianapolis, IND AUTO ALBUM By Tad Burness Minneapolis Star Tribune June 6, 1993 4.25″x10.75″ page 1M

1904 12 31 POPE-Waverley Electric POPE Waverley ELECTRICS POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, Indiana Scientific American December 31, 1904 10″x15″ page 486

1904 POPE-Waverley Electric Model No. 21 Runabout $850 POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, Indiana Cycle and AUTOMOBILE TRADE JOURNAL 1904 6.25″x9.75″ page 52

1905 10 23 POPE-Waverley Electric Coupe-Top Chelsea Price $1,450 POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE October 23, 1905 8.5″x12″ page V

1905 2 POPE Electric POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA February 1905 9.75″x13.75″ page 388

1905 6 21 POPE-WAVERLEY Electric Pope Motor Car Company Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE June 21, 1905 8.5″x12″ page 8

1905 8 12 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 36 $900 POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY Indianapolis, IND THE SATURDAY EVENING POST August 12, 1905 5.75″x12.25″ page 17

1905 POPE-Waverley Electric Automobile Delivery Costs Less POPE MOTOR CAR CO. Indianapolis, IND The Review of Reviews – Advertising Section 1905 6.25″x9.75″ page 69

1906 10 11 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 30 Station Wagon $2250 POPE MOTOR CAR CO., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND MOTOR AGE October 11, 1905 8.25″x11.75″ page 70

1906 3 WAVERLEY Electric THE CONNECTING LINK Between Home and Office Pope Motor Car Company Deck T Indianapolis, IND THE WORLD’S WORK AUTOMOBILES March 1906 7″x10.25″

1906 7 POPE-Waverley Electric The Stately, Stylish Stanhope Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA July 1906 9.5″x14″ page 343

1907 1 2 POPE-Waverley Electric Pope Waverley Electrics Pope Motor Car Co., Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE January 2, 1907 8.25″x12″ page XV

1907 5 29 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 67, Price $1,700 POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND THE HORSELESS AGE May 29, 1907 8.5″x12″ page 9

1907 POPE-Waverley Electric Model 60-A Surrey, $1,700 POPE MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Waverley Dept. Indianapolis, IND MUNSEY’S MAGAZINE – ADVERITSING SECTION 1907 6.5″x9.75″

1907 POPE-WAVERLEY electric two-seater (1) Indiana Bicycle Co Indianapolis, IND 1898-1899 (2) American Bicycle Co Indianapolis, IND 1900-1901 (3) International Motor Car Co Indianapolis, IND 1901-1903 (4) WAVERLEY Dept Pope Motor Car Co Indianapolis, IND 1903-1907 (5) WAVERLEY Co Indianapolis, IND 1908-1914 THE NEW ENCYLOPEDIA OF MOTORCARS 1885 to the Present Edited by G. N. Georgano E. P. Dutton New York 1982 ISBN: 0-525-93254-2 8.25″x11″ page 658