Charles E Test

1900 2 3 THE CANOE CLUB’S HOUSE A. C. Newby, C. E. Test, T. Taggert (members) THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS February 2, 1900

1902 NATIONAL VEHICLE CO. Charles E Test President Loren S Dow Vice-President Arthur C Newby Sec & Treasurer Mnfrs Automobiles and Buggies 1902 R.L. POLK CITY DIRECTORY Indianapolis, Indiana NAS NAU xerox page 758

1905 ca. Charles E. Test (1855-1910) One of the founders of National Test Family framed portrait ca. 1905 7″x10″

1907 NATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE CO. C E Test President A C Newby Sec & Treas, George M Dickson Sale Mngr, George H Matheson Purchasing Agt, W G Wall Mechanical Engineer Manufacturers National Electric and Gasoline Automobiles 1903 INDIANAPOLIS DIRECTORY Indianapolis, Indiana Page 934 NAT NAT Xerox

1910 6 29 NATIONAL Notes of the Industry and Trade Obituary Charles E. Test, president THE HORSELESS AGE page 982

1912 Charles Edward Test (1855-1910) Indianapolis, Indiana Memorial Record of Distinguished Men of Indianapolis and Indiana Edition de Luxe The Lewis Publishing Company 1912 8.75″x12″ page 416